Scorch 1
Full body, HIIT cardio, bodyweight resistance, and core workout. Workout features five different circuits and a finisher.
Accessories: Short Step Box (Optional)
On the Mic: Macy
Trainers: Amanda and Laura
Release Date: Scorch Live 4.29.20
Circuit 1: 30/15 X2
1. Blue box deficit fixed foot reverse lunge to knee tuck - Left
2. Blue box deficit fixed foot reverse lunge to knee tuck - Right
3. Blue box lateral up and overs
4. Blue box toe taps
Circuit 2: Descending ladder: 30 reps and go down by 10 – if finish stay at 10 rep count
1. Alternating jumping squats
2. Sprinter sit up
3. Air squats
4. Mtn jumpers
Circuit 3: 30/15 X2
1. Power curtsy lunge
2. Roll back /A crab toe touch to opposite foot
3. Reverse lunge to S/L RDL – Left round 1 Right round 2
4. Bear position push back donkey kick
Circuit 4: AMRAP:
1. Push up
2. Squat thrust to jumping jack
3. Jump forward, jump back squat to toe touch – insta from Ewa.
Circuit 5: 30/15 X2
1. Box squat jumps (straddled)
2. Fixed foot low taps - left
3. Fixed foot low taps - right
4. Blue box double squat up and over
20 seconds of each – glute bridge hold, glute bridge tap out, glute bridge pulse – S/L V ups, reverse crunch and straight leg raises