Build & Burn 11
Build & Burn
Full body, high-intensity strength and HIIT cardio workout. Workout features five rotating blocks including: cardio, strength-upper body, cardio/strength combo, strength-lower body, and core.
Accessories: Dumbbells, Box
On the Mic: Chris
Trainers: Amanda and Ewa
Release Date: 11.16..20
Block #1 -8 min –BW strength/cardio– 40 sec of each – rest 15 – 30 sec of each- rest 15, 20 sec of each
1. Reverse lunge to alternating toe touch – switch ½ way
2. Side skater to jump
3. Side shuffle to squat thrust
4. Superman to push up
5. Cross crunch to S/L V up – switch ½ way
45 second break between blocks
Block #2 – 5 min – Resistance band Upper body – 3 rounds 30 sec of each 15 sec rest between rounds
1. Resistance band - S/A bi-cep curl w/iso hold – switch ½ way
2. Resistance band - S/A up-right row w/iso hold – switch ½ way
3. Resistance band thrusters
Block #3 – 2:55 – DB’s – 20 seconds each – 2 rounds w/15 seconds rest after
1. DB renegade row w/push up
2. DB cleans
3. DB OH lunges
4. DB body blaster
Block # /4:15- lower body –DB’s/blue box - 20 seconds each /2 rounds w/15 second rest after round 1
1. Goblet Squat box combo – (R)
2. Goblet squat box combo – (L)
3. Goblet in and out squats
4. DB S/L RDL - right side
5. DB S/L RDL - left side
6. Box quick toe taps
Block #5- 8 min – Strength/cardio
1. Lateral lunge to high knees
2. Get up to front lunge—switch ½ way
3. DB standing woodchop—switch ½ way
4. Plank hand walk
5. DB Hollow hold with legs lowering
Up Next in Build & Burn
Build & Burn 10
Full body, high-intensity strength and HIIT cardio workout. Workout features five rotating blocks including: cardio, strength-upper body, cardio/strength combo, strength-lower body, and core.
Accessories: Dumbbells, Box
On the Mic: Laura
Trainers: Amanda and Ewa
Release Date: 10.26.20Block #1...
Build & Burn 9
Full body, high-intensity strength and HIIT cardio workout. Workout features five rotating blocks including: cardio, strength-upper body, cardio/strength combo, strength-lower body, and core.
Accessories: Dumbbells, Box
On the Mic: Chris
Trainers: Laura and Ewa
Release Date: 10.18.20Block #1 ...
Build & Burn 8
Full body, high-intensity strength and HIIT cardio workout. Workout features five rotating blocks including: cardio, strength-upper body, cardio/strength combo, strength-lower body, and core.
Accessories: Dumbbells, Box
On the Mic: Amanda
Trainers: Laura and Ewa
Release Date: 9.11.20Block #1 ...