Full body, high-intensity strength and HIIT cardio workout. Workout features five rotating blocks including: cardio, strength-upper body, cardio/strength combo, strength-lower body, and core.
Accessories: Dumbbells, Box
On the Mic: Chris
Trainers: Cody and Amanda
Release Date: 03.07.21
Block #1 -8 min –BW cardio– 40 sec of each – rest 15 – 30 sec of each- rest 15, 20 sec of each
1. Reverse lunge knee drive – L-R
2. Hand release push up to shoulder tap
3. Jumping jack to toe taps – (2 jacks)
4. Glute bridge to heel touch (back scratcher)
5. Plank double knee drive – (knee to cross elbow and straight elbow)
45 second break between blocks
Block #2 – 5 min – DB’s– 3 rounds 30 seconds of each 15 second rest between rounds
1. DB kneeling swing curl press
2. DB squat get up
3. bear plank to reverse tabletop toe touch
Block #3 – 2:55 –DB/boxes – 20 seconds each – 2 rounds w/15 seconds rest after
1. DB uneven squats w/high pull – right side
2. DB uneven squats w/high pull – left side
3. Box split squat S/A shoulder press – right side
4. Box split squat S/A shoulder press – left side
Block # /4:15 –DB’s - 20 seconds each /2 rounds w/15 second rest after round 1
1. DB squat
2. DB curl
3. DB thruster
4. DB squat
5. DB curl
6. DB thruster
Block #5- 8 min –BW & DB’s cardio- 40 sec of each – rest 15 – 30 sec of each- rest 15, 20 sec of each
1. Jumping squat to skater over DB – switch halfway
2. DB RDL clean goblet squat
3. DB squat thrust to S/A front raise – (hop side to side)
4. DB sit up
5. DB butterfly hip bridge
Up Next in 3/8 - 3/14
Gauntlet 13
Full body, high-intensity strength, cardio, and core workout. Workout features five different circuits and a finisher.
Recommended Accessories: Dumbbells, Mini-Bands, Short Box
On the Mic: Macy
Trainers: Amanda and Macy
Release Date: 8.21.20Circuit 1: 40/20 X3
1. DB renegade row to push up
2.... -
Scorch 10
Full body, HIIT cardio, bodyweight resistance, and core workout. Workout features five different circuits and a finisher.
Accessories: None - All Bodyweight
On the Mic: Laura
Trainers: Amanda and Macy
Release Date: Scorch Recorded 4.29.20Circuit 1: 30/15 X2
1. Jump squat
2. Squat w/ cross cru... -
OnCore 10
OnCore workouts are dedicated solely to strengthening and leaning out the core. Workout features 3 circuits. Repeat each circuit before moving onto next circuit.
Accessories: None - All Bodyweight
On the Mic: Wes
Trainer: Tanner
Release Date: 9.18.20Circuit 1: 60 seconds no rest
1. Plank
2. H...