Gauntlet 7
Full body, high-intensity strength, cardio, and core workout. Workout features five different circuits and a finisher.
Recommended Accessories: Dumbbells, Mini Bands
On the Mic: Chris
Trainers: Amanda and Terrance
Release Date: Gauntlet Live 5.21.20
Circuit 1: 40/20 X3
1. DB devils lunge – lunge left, lunge right, squat, RDL = 1 rep
2. DB ground to press
Circuit 2: EMOM: 5 min
1. DB swings – 12 reps
2. DB froggers –8 reps
3. DB sit up to press – 4 reps
Circuit 3: Add on 5 min start w/20 and reduce by 5 each round
1. DB row
2. DB bi-cep curl
3. DB up right row
4. DB double crunch
Circuit 4: 40/20 X3
1. Band jump squat to step out – 1 side/round
2. Band frog pumps
Circuit 5: Tabata: 4 min
1. Hand release push - ups – 20 seconds
2. Plank hold – 20 seconds
1. DB Russian Twist
2. Squat hold
3. Alternating reverse lunges
4. DB hop overs
Up Next in Gauntlet
Gauntlet 6
Full body, high-intensity strength, cardio, and core workout. Workout features five different circuits and a finisher.
Recommended Accessories: Dumbbells
On the Mic: Ewa
Trainers: Shaun and Chris
Release Date: Gauntlet Live 5.19.20Circuit 1: 40/20 X3
1. DB (DB in each hand) Sumo squat to fron... -
Gauntlet 5
Full body, high-intensity strength, cardio, and core workout. Workout features five different circuits and a finisher.
Recommended Accessories: Dumbbells
On the Mic: Laura
Trainers: Ewa and Chris
Release Date: Gauntlet Live 5.07.2040/20 X3
1. BW S/L RDL to hop or knee hug
2. DB inch worm push... -
Gauntlet 4
Full body, high-intensity strength, cardio, and core workout. Workout features five different circuits and a finisher.
Recommended Accessories: Dumbbells, Short Box
On the Mic: EWa
Trainers: Amanda and Macy
Release Date: Gauntlet Live 5.5.20Circuit 1: 40/20 X3
1. DB front foot elevated split ...