Gauntlet 16
Full body, high-intensity strength, cardio, and core workout. Workout features five different circuits and a finisher.
Recommended Accessories: Dumbbells, Mini-Bands, Short Box
On the Mic: Macy
Trainers: Laura and Ewa
Release Date: 11.29.20
40/20 X3 DBS- Lower Body Focus – hold split squat – R/L during 20 second break
1. DB Staggered Stance RDL to Reverse lunge (1DB) – EWA IG
2. DB Goblet get up to stand up (start on knees, get up to low squat, and stand)
EMOM: 5 min
1. 10 bicep curls + 10 Tricep kickbacks
2. 10 Glute bridges to Jack Knife + Alt. squat and rotate for remainder of time
3. 10 bicep curls + 10 Tricep kickbacks
4. 10 Glute bridges to Jack Knife + Alt. squat and rotate for remainder of time 10 bicep curls + 10 Tricep kickbacks
1. DB Alternating Uneven Pulse jump squat x 10 total
2. Alternating Uneven pushups x 10 total
3. DB Box Double mtn climber with rotation x 10 total
4. SL Feet elevated glute bridge x 10 total
40/20 X3 DBS- UPPER BODY FOCUS – hold plank on elbows/hands during 20 second break
1. DB ½ kneeling SA Arnold Press
2. DB Staggered stance low row, high row, reverse fly
Tabata: 4 min MINI BANDS
1. Banded punch Jacks--- Macy IG
2. Banded plank jack get ups (2 plank jacks + get up)
Finisher: 2 min – 30 seconds each
1. DB Windmills- 30s left/ 30s right
2. DB Russian Twists- 30s
3. DB Hollow hold with legs lowering – 30s
Up Next in Gauntlet
Gauntlet 15
Full body, high-intensity strength, cardio, and core workout. Workout features five different circuits and a finisher.
Recommended Accessories: Dumbbells, Box, Bands
On the Mic: Terrance
Trainers: Laura and Ewa
Release Date: 11.3.2040/20 X3
1. DB S/L get up - alternating
2. DB forward lunge p... -
Gauntlet 14
Full body, high-intensity strength, cardio, and core workout. Workout features five different circuits and a finisher.
Recommended Accessories: Dumbbells
On the Mic: Chris
Trainers: Amanda and Macy
Release Date: 9.18.2040/20 X3
1. DB curl press
2. DB hex press to tri-cepEMOM: 5 min
1. 24 DB... -
Gauntlet 13
Full body, high-intensity strength, cardio, and core workout. Workout features five different circuits and a finisher.
Recommended Accessories: Dumbbells, Mini-Bands, Short Box
On the Mic: Macy
Trainers: Amanda and Macy
Release Date: 8.21.20Circuit 1: 40/20 X3
1. DB renegade row to push up